Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Ron Paul to Visit Rochester

Late this morning I made my almost-daily stop at I was amazed to learn that this Friday, May 30, Ron Paul will be speaking at Mayo Memorial Park, right here in Rochester, next to the civic center. That exciting news was tempered by the fact that he will not be speaking as part of the state Republican convention being held inside the civic center this Friday. I am frustrated, amazed, and perplexed that he has been denied his rightful place as a speaker at the convention. He garnered over sixteen percent of the votes in Minnesota Republican primaries earlier this year.

Actually, I am outraged, and I don't get angry very often. Republican candidate for president John McCain received only 22 percent of the votes in the state Republican primary election , a mere six percent more than Ron Paul's total. John McCain edged ahead of Ron Paul by less than four thousand votes. Officials in charge of the state GOP have denied Ron Paul the opportunity to speak, stating that Dr. Paul is not a "qualified candidate" yet failing to define what "qualified" means. Is John McCain qualified because he received four thousand more votes than Ron Paul?

Some John McCain supporters of the Republican party must be rightfully concerned that Ron Paul is a viable candidate in this election. Otherwise, why would they deny him a position to speak at the convention?

Are you one of the Americans who doesn't know much information about Ron Paul? Have you heard of him? Have you actually learned about his campaign or his position on key issues? Ron Paul's recent book Revolution: A Manifesto has been on the bestseller lists for the New York Times and for weeks.

He has set multiple fundraising records, including amassing over six million dollars on the 234th anniversary of the Boston Tea Party, the day that helped spark the American Revolution. More than 50,000 people contributed to his campaign that day, half of whom were new donors. The effort was organized entirely by volunteers online. "This means Ron Paul's message is really resonating with people," stated Jim Forsythe, a former Air Force pilot and former Bush supporter. If you don't know much about Dr. Paul, take a few minutes to visit his website and learn more about him. There is a reason why people are supporting him in large numbers across the country.

If you are disillusioned with our government, if you view this election as an unfortunate choice among undesirable candidates, if you are already saying, I can't wait until the upcoming presidential term is over, if you don't know very much about Ron Paul, if you are curious why some people are working so hard against Dr. Paul, please come to Mayo Park this Friday at 7:30 a.m. If you are unable to attend, invite a friend or relative to come in your place. Tell people you meet that Ron Paul has caught your attention.

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